Saturday, February 17, 2018

Hustled in Havana, Day 2

The hustler
Part misunderstanding, part hustle. The result was an experience we thought would cost $30 CUC but actually set us back $120. We were easy pickings, I’m afraid.
Kathy meeting the horse driver

It started with a morning mission to get to a certain hotel where we might be able to arrange bus tickets to Camarioca for Friday morning. Along the way we were approached by a cheerful charmer selling a four-hour horse-drawn buggy ride through Habana for a bargain price of $15 CUC per person. This sounded especially appealing since mi esposo, Craig, suffered a toe injury during the Florida leg of our trip. With a painful, potentially broken toe, taking in the sights at a horse’s pace sounded perfect.

Callejon de Hamel, a tiny side street in Havana Centro featuring
colorful murals, Santeria and Afro-Cuban art, and items for sale.
After acquiring bus tickets for Friday, we went back to find our friendly hustlers, climbed into the carriage (buggy?) and off we went toward Havana Nueva, or Vedado—- lovely, but not what I expected. My attempt to clarify the route was unsuccessful and I gave up too easily, content in vacation mode to enjoy whatever sights were presented. Enjoy we did, taking many photos along the way.

There were also multiple opportunities to spend more money—- buy stuff, reserve table for dinner and show, etc… I think Craig figured out the game long before I did. We must have been disappointing customers, saying “no, gracias,” to everything. Our journey seemed to end rather abruptly and we were asked for hundreds of CUC.

Huh?! Discussion ensued, during which we realized that the price was $15 CUC per person per hour. Our mistake...

"I die with you, but I don't die for you." --- or something like that

Our very expensive mistake. Our guide then requested $150 CUC for the four  hour ride. Here's where the real hustle commenced. As Craig and I argued that his math was wrong—-15 x 2 x 4 does not $150 make—- we overlooked the salient detail that our journey was just under three hours, not four. Ouch!

Our tourist T-shirts should say, "I Got Hustled in Havana," but we can't afford them. What cash we have left has to last another twelve days.

Continue to read about our third day, "Havana: Day of Tours, Morning"

1 comment:

Expenses for Two: 13 Nights in Cuba

Lovelies in their finery, ready to pose for pesos in Havana Vieja An accounting retrospective —- that’s the subject of this post. ...