Saturday, February 24, 2018

Views from a Horse

Typical street in Havana Centro
Yes, we were hustled in Havana...

You can read all about it here:

All in all, we had a great time on our horse excursion.

It was the  perfect way to see the city, in light of Craig's swollen and colorful toe. Yes, some of our stops were designed to suck the pesos out of our wallets, but still, the sights from behind the horse were very enjoyable.

Don't know what this building is, but ain't she pretty!

Little ones, in uniform, walking with their teachers.

Havana fire station
Another classic. Ubiquitous!

One of the buildings at Revolution Square

Street flower vendor in Havana Centro

Yup, saw it from the horse!
Drivers awaiting passengers at Revolution Square

Weather-worn, but beautiful

More cars at Revolution Square

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