Saturday, February 24, 2018

Pink is for Cuba

On the road to our first casa in Havana
Like the ubiquitous gray of the Pacific Northwest, pink is emblematic of Cuba, at least for me. Pink is nowhere on the Cuban flag, but it is everywhere else. I can drive a month back home and never see a pink car, but I challenge you to spend 15 minutes on roads and freeways here without seeing a classic car transformed by pink. You can’t!

Photographed from a bus window in Old Havana

Some bills are even pink!

Pink cars are everywhere!

Pink-clad woman on horse taxi in Boca de Camarioca.

I snapped this outside the Havana Viazul station. Don't you love these cotton candy shorts?

Gentleman in Viñales

Casita spotted on our horseback ride in Viñales

Casa particular in Playa Giron

It took me six days to realize that I wanted to photograph pink. I’m sure I’ll find opportunities to capture pink-washed buildings and pink-splashed sky at dawn and dusk, but I may never again see the elegant, caramel-toned young man in cotton-candy slacks, or the gorgeous, one-armed, chocolate-skinned woman gliding down a Havana street in a bougainvillea spandex dress.

Pink classic, viewed from the Malecón in Havana. Our apartment was on the 
fifth (top) floor of the whitish structure in the middle of the photo.

Photo snapped from taxi window in the Valle de Viñales.

Laundry dancing in the breeze, viewed from Viñales restaurant.

Whipped out my phone to capture this woman in her
marvelous pink shoes exiting our
"best value" restaurant in Boca de Camarioca.
Ah, flowers... they're everywhere, too!

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